Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Lifestyle.. Future Planning.

Slighty stunned..
A friend of mine asked if she could ask me a question and if i answer i should only reply truthfully..  she was drawn to the flowers on the desk with a strange look upon her pale face, you can only imagine i was in fear of what she was about to ask me, eager to know i hurried her words by asking what it is she wanted me to answer.. she replied with 'What age are you looking to settle down Kel?' .. slightly random but was quite relieved that it was only that she wanted to ask, all sorts of things was going through my head, at that point i didn't know what to say..

Does everyone have a life plan? Does everyone have everything planned for the rest of their lives?
Am i the only one thats not planned anything? Should i make a plan? What should my life plan include exactly? Do i have to choose what and when now? What if i make a plan and it doesn't go the way i planned, what then? 

Yeah so that was my thoughts within five seconds of her asking me the question..
So, my question for all is the obvious.. Do you have a life plan & what will you do if doesn't go the way you wish?

Kelli x

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